ehx cathedral mods #1 – preset switch

ehx cathedral mods #1 - preset switch

inserimento jack per l’utilizzo di uno switch esterno per richiamare i PRESET, invece di premere la manopola MODE. quest’ultima mantiene comunque inalterata la sua funzione.

compatibile con qualsiasi switch momentaneo tipo Boss FS-5U.

6 commenti su “ehx cathedral mods #1 – preset switch

  1. Ciao ragazzi, sarebbe possibile una modifica simile che invece permetta anche un secondo switch per cambiare da modalità a modalità, quello che fa MODE quando viene ruotato per intenderci?

  2. I’m not a Spanish speaker but from what I can tell, this is a mod for the preset control. This is something I am very interested in. I would like details on how I could get this mod on my pedal.

    1. Hi, the mod consists on adding an aux jack for the external preset switch, with the proper mini-switch box.
      We sure can make this mod to your pedal but you should send it to us in Italy.
      For more information mail to:

      Thanks a lot

  3. Hi! Sorry, I dont speak spanish, (neither english…)
    I’m brazilian, and I’m looking EVERYWHERE to get this MOD to the Cathedral!!!

    I want to know if you guys can give me some light and tell me how can I do that! PLEASE!!!

    Or/And show me how you guys do the electric connections and stuff…

    I would LOVE! haha


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